Registrations each year commence around early September for the season 1 October through to 30 September the following year.

How to Register
Registration is completed via Swimming Australia’s <SWIM CENTRAL> portal.
For anyone new to swimming/Life Saving here’s links below on how to get started on Swim Central
Link 1: How To Register/Set up an account on Swim Central
Link 2: How To Create A Family Group
Link 3: How To Add A Dependant
Where to find Hills Club Memberships
Step 1 – From Main menu in Swim Central Chose Store in Left side Menu
Step 2 – Chose Membership Option
Step 3 – In Find a Club type “the hills” and The Hills Swimming & Life Saving Club will appear as an option. After selecting the Hills Club, in the “Who are you purchasing for?” section to the right, chose your swimmer you have set up under your logon that you wish to purchase membership for (Make sure it is your swimmer and not your family or parent profile). You will then be directed to the membership choices page.
Step 4 – Membership Screen, select correct membership you desire. Ensure you select the right one you want. For those new to Club membership or uncertain please see below section on “What Membership to Select?” or ask further questions to registrar@thehills.org.au
Step 5 – Once selected desired membership, click the cart with your membership selection in the cart. The shopping cart is in the top right hand corner (1). then proceed to enter payment details and select “Aree with Terms and Conditions” box (2). Finally click the “Buy Now” button to conclude the membership purchase (3)

What membership to Select?
** Take time to carefully select the right membership for you or your Swimmer **
Hills FULL SWIMMER – This membership is what most squad and competitive swimmers will select. This membership allows swimming at all Club, Regional, State and National level Events/Championships
Hills FULL LIFE SAVER – This membership is for those selecting to join our Hills Life Savers and competitive Life Savers. This membership allows access to Life Saving training and events including Club, Regional, State and National level Events/Championships
Hills CLUB SWIMMER – This membership is for all ages, new to swimming or just those wanting to be part of Friday Club night swimming events and Club championships which is open to any and all ages and skill levels. This membership is NOT Externally Competitive (i.e. Yo cannot swim at other External Club, Regional, State or National Events with this membership)
Hills FULL SWIMMER & LIFE SAVER – This membership can be selected by those who want to be both a competitive swimmers and also be able to do Club and Competative Life Saving. This membership allows swimming & Life Saving at all club, regional, State and National level Events/Championships
Hills (Various) SECOND CLAIM MEMBERSHIPS – These memberships are for pre-existing members of other clubs who wish to second claim and participate in club racing and or Club Life Saving. For those looking to utilise second claim memberships who are not experience with doing so previously or are uncertain of their purpose or inclusions, please see ask further questions to registrar@thehills.org.au before purchasing.
Hills NON SWIMMER (DRY) MEMBERSHIPS – This membership is required for committee members, coaches and technical staff for Swimming NSW. Non Swimmer (DRY) membership is not compulsory for Hills families with swimmers but more than welcome. NSW Swim memberships (Included in Swimmmer and Non Swimmer memberships) come with the below benefits.