Registrations for 2024/2025 Season Now Open on Swim Central
All Hills Club registrations are conducted through Swimming Australia’s Swim Central website SWIM CENTRAL
Please check you have the corect membership you require before finalising purchase. See Registration tab for details to register.
For any further questions or If require further assistance please email: registrar@thehills.org.au
Competative Swimmers wanting to swim in Regional, State and National Events chose FULL SWIMMMER or COMBINED FULL SWIMMER & LIFE SAVER
For those only wanting to swim at Club Friday nights and Club events please choose the CLUB SWIMMER option
Dry Membership available but not compulsory for Non Swimmers
Dry Membership Required for Committee Members, Coaching and Officials

Club Schedule 2024/2025

Entries each week will be available via swim central for Swim Central current members or manual entries can be made with our race secretary Jacky via email at thehillsfnc@gmail.com
Recent Newsletter
NEWSLETTER-2024.10.15.r3Recent/Upcoming Events Featuring Hills Club

Friday Night Races
Friday Night Races will begin Mid-September, open for all swimmers with no registration necessary. Come and try. Starting in October, official nights will begin for registered swimmers.

Competitions Calendar
Swimming NSW/Swimming Australia Upcoming Events Calendar 2023/2024.
Targeted competitions will be notified on Stack Team App and our Facebook/Instagram pages
Sign up for with our social media pages

Registration and Uniforms
Registration opens each year early September. See Registration tab for details on how to register. Swimming, Lifesaving and combined memberships available.
Uniforms and Merchandise in website menu and Stack Team app notifications for batch orders from Miklin Co. Shirts and caps will be available for new members at Friday Night Club swimming.
Swimming Australia National Integrity Framework
Integrity in sport means that athletes, supporters and fans can participate and celebrate sport, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, ethical and inclusive environment.
Any threats to the integrity of sport (such as competition-manipulation, doping, and behaviours that impact people’s positive experience of sport, such as discrimination or abuse) are taken seriously by Swimming Australia.
Commitment statement
Swimming Australia and its Member Organisations remain fully committed to the protection of children, young people and all members in our sport and encourage swimming clubs throughout Australia to familiarise themselves with the policies and to raise the issue of child safety to everyone involved in their club.
We are committed to providing children and young people with positive and nurturing experiences and will strive to ensure that children and young people are protected from harm.
We aim to ensure that swimming is a safe, fair and inclusive environment for all participants.